Ionic 3 show/hide content based on screen size

Here is a complete Bootstrap-like solution for showing and hiding selected Ionic components based on screen size.

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In Ionic 3 Framework we already have an option to show or hide elements for selected devices using showWhen and hideWhen. It is very convenient and well documented but it won't allow you to handle different screen sizes which is required sooner or later if your Ionic App handles both mobile and desktop devices.

One thing I try to avoid is building a non-reusable project specific solution. To achieve this the only possible solution seems to be using standard Ionic SCSS breakpoints as a base. Here is a default definition:

$screen-breakpoints: (
  xs: 0,
  sm: 576px,
  md: 768px,
  lg: 992px,
  xl: 1200px

It is taken from inside Ionic Framework SCSS files (you shouldn't do a copy/paste of above code) and it doesn't look like something that will change frequently. $screen-breakpoints are widely used by all Ionic SCSS files/rules and documented on official overriding-ionic-variables page. Let say that $screen-breakpoints looks like a fairly reliable choice for the purpose of creating universal Ionic show/hide solution.

The key benefit from using $screen-breakpoints is that generated CSS styles will work regardless of any changes/customizations that might be done to this SCSS variable. This covers adding/removing some breakpoint or changing breakpoint value. You may test it using this gist.


It's time to write some SCSS code. My solution will be based on Bootstrap 4 convention hidden-* where elements with given class are hidden on selected screen size (see bootstrap docs). Replicating hidden-*-up or hidden-*-down should be equally easy.

$breakpoints-keys: map-keys($screen-breakpoints);
$breakpoints-values: map-values($screen-breakpoints);
@for $i from 1 to length($breakpoints-keys)+1 {
  @if $i < length($breakpoints-keys) {
    .hidden-#{nth($breakpoints-keys, $i)} {
      @media (min-width: nth($breakpoints-values, $i)) and (max-width: #{nth($breakpoints-values, $i+1)}) {
        display: none;
  } @else {
    .hidden-#{nth($breakpoints-keys, $i)} {
      @media (min-width: nth($breakpoints-values, $i)) {
        display: none;

Why it looks so scary? Well I didn't find any other option to iterate over a SCSS map with numerical index. The only option was to get map keys with map-keys() and then iterate over them with a regular @for loop.

If you would like to see a CSS output of the code please check my SCSS gist.

How to use it?

Just declare mentioned SCSS code somewhere in you Ionic SCSS files e.g. inside src/app/show-hide-screen-size.scss and then import it (with @import "./show-hide-screen-size";) to the main SCSS file e.g. src/app/app.scss.

Now you may add hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl classes to any HTML element to hide it for selected screen size e.g.

<div class="hidden-xs hidden-lg">
Not visible on XS and LG screens, but visible on any other screen sizes

Code description

Let's start from the beginning.

First we need to get keys (e.g. xs, sm, etc.) and values (e.g. 0, 576px, etc.) from $screen-breakpoints map to be able to reference them using numerical index which will allow to look ahead of current index and get max-width value.

$breakpoints-keys: map-keys($screen-breakpoints);
$breakpoints-values: map-values($screen-breakpoints);

Then there is a loop over all breakpoints which generates a CSS rules. Please note that lists in SCSS are indexed from 1 to n+1 (which is kind of tricky if you are used to any "normal" programming language).

@for $i from 1 to length($breakpoints-keys)+1 {

Unfortunately there is no easy/readable way of handling an edge case which is last breakpoint hidden-xl where max-width limit should be omitted thus this ugly @if construction seems to be required:

  @if $i < length($breakpoints-keys) {
  } @else {

Now look at code which generates a common CSS rule @media (min-width: ...) and (max-width: ...). As you can see for a lower bound min-width we take current index $i while an upper bound max-width is generated using next index $i+1. A second value selected from $breakpoints-values will always be larger than the first one. This is exactly what we need here.

.hidden-#{nth($breakpoints-keys, $i)} {
  @media (min-width: nth($breakpoints-values, $i)) and (max-width: #{nth($breakpoints-values, $i+1)}) {
    display: none;

Lastly an "edge case" of last CSS rule has to be handled. It is generated using same structure as before but without upper bound max-width:...

.hidden-#{nth($breakpoints-keys, $i)} {
  @media (min-width: nth($breakpoints-values, $i)) {
    display: none;
