Grafana and InfluxDB with Let's Encrypt SSL on Docker

Deprecation warning

This is now deprecated!

Please head to Secure Docker Grafana container with SSL through Traefik proxy which is far more accurate and functional.

Despite "deprecation" you may find here some useful information.

Deprecated article

It seems extremely easy to do if you know all required Docker containers, but it's not so obvious if you are not a fluent Docker user.


Despite the fact that LE will automatically regenerate certificate files there is no way (which I'm aware of) to trigger Influx container restart in order to use regenerated certificate files. The only workaround is setting REUSE_PRIVATE_KEYS=true environment variable for letsencrypt container. See updated post for more details.

Here is what it takes to create SSL secured Grafana + InfluxDB Docker setup:

The additional benefit of this setup is certificate auto-generation and auto-renewal (no more worries/downtime related to expired Let's Encrypt certificate.

Required tools:


Create docker-compose.yml file with the content similar to the example below and execute docker-compose up -d command in the directory where your yml file is saved. Here is the example content of docker-compose.yml with some comments related to the required modifications/adjustments (don't worry about the file length, feel free to skip this section and continue reading starting from Architecture description):

version: "2"

    image: grafana/grafana:5.0.0 # or probably any other version
    container_name: grafana
    restart: always
      - VIRTUAL_HOST=YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST # adjust to match your domain name
      - VIRTUAL_PROTO=https
      - VIRTUAL_PORT=3000
      - LETSENCRYPT_HOST=YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST # adjust to match your domain name
      - [email protected] # adjust to match your email

      - GF_SERVER_CERT_FILE=/etc/letsencrypt/certs/YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST.crt # adjust to match your domain name
      - GF_SERVER_CERT_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/certs/YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST.key # adjust to match your domain name
      - GF_SERVER_PROTOCOL=https

      - GF_SERVER_DOMAIN=YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST # adjust to match your domain name
      - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER=SECURE_USERNAME # adjust to create Grafana admin account
      - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=SECURE_PASS # adjust to set Grafana admin password
      - ./letsencrypt/certs:/etc/letsencrypt/certs:ro

      - grafana-data:/var/lib/grafana

    image: influxdb:1.4.2 # or any other recent version
    container_name: influx
    restart: always
      - influx-data:/var/lib/influxdb

      - ./letsencrypt/certs:/etc/letsencrypt/certs:ro
      - "8086:8086"
      # might be used someday when issue #59 will be resolved/merged
      #- VIRTUAL_PROTO=https
      #- VIRTUAL_PORT=8086

      - INFLUXDB_HTTP_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE=/etc/letsencrypt/certs/YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST.crt # adjust to match your domain name
      - INFLUXDB_HTTP_HTTPS_PRIVATE_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/certs/YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST.key # adjust to match your domain name

      - INFLUXDB_DB=SOME_DB_NAME # set any other to create database on initialization

      - INFLUXDB_ADMIN_USER=SECURE_USERNAME # adjust to create InfluxDB admin account
      - INFLUXDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=SECURE_PASS # adjust to create InfluxDB admin password

  # Containers below ensures automatic cert creation and renewal
    image: jwilder/nginx-proxy:0.6.0
    container_name: nginx
    restart: always
      - com.github.jrcs.letsencrypt_nginx_proxy_companion.nginx_proxy
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro
      - ./nginx/html:/usr/share/nginx/html
      - ./nginx/vhost.d:/etc/nginx/vhost.d
      - ./letsencrypt/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro
    image: jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion:v1.7
    container_name: letsencrypt
    restart: always
      - nginx
      - ./letsencrypt/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:rw
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

    driver: local
    driver: local

That's all. Just replace:

  • YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST - appropriate domain name
  • [email protected] - your email address
  • SECURE_USERNAME - some username
  • SECURE_PASS - secure password for the user

After executing docker-compose up -d you SSLed Grafana + Influx stack should be available over https://YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST and https://YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST:8086. It may take a couple of minutes on the first run because of Let's Encrypt certificate generation.

As an "extra" benefit the Nginx ensures HSTS headers for SSLed service, which basically means that all requests have to be done using an encrypted connection (the browser will force https:// at the beginning of the address).


As we know by default Docker creates it's own sub-network for running containers and communication between them. Here is how it looks in the above example.

Influx-Grafana-Let's Encrypt SSL

NOTE 1: Influx URL. Inside Grafana data sources panel you will have to define your Influx URL using a fully qualified domain name (FQDN e.g. https://YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST:8086) and not internal Docker sub-network alias e.g. influx. This is due to the fact that SSL certificate will work with Influx only if it is accessed through the URL for which certificate was requested.

NOTE 2: Grafana port. In this setup Grafana still uses its default 3000 port, the redirection from 80 and 443 ports is handled by the Nginx proxy server.

NOTE 3: Influx without proxy. As you may notice InfluxDB connections doesn't go through Nginx. That fact is caused by the Nginx env variables configuration limitation. It doesn't allow to specify port-based routing (only subdomain routing is available). For more details please refer to the Github issue #59

Detailed description

Here is some more information about setup presented above. Some of them may be evident especially for (more or less) experienced Docker users. I think that they are worth at least skimming through.


The container name option, once specified, let's you refer to the deployed container using a custom name instead of SHA code. It is useful especially for checking container status with docker logs [container_name] or executing custom commands with docker exec -it [container_name].

restart: always

Just to ensure continuous work even after Docker/host restart. Be careful with restart: unless-stopped as this option lacks the container autostart feature.


They are used (in this setup) just to mark which container is the Nginx proxy in order to trigger its reloading on certificate update. It's a handy feature implemented by letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion.


That's a tricky one. The docker.sock allows the container to work with Docker Engine API. It is used by the jwilder/nginx-proxy to do its VIRTUAL_... env variables magic. The docker API works similar to any JSON based HTTP API, but it is exposed on docker.sock socket.

:ro and :rw suffixes

I think it's an obvious one but to cover "everything" I can say that those are folder/file permissions: "Read Only" and "Read and Write".


There are 3 kinds of "paths" used in this setup:

  • absolute paths like /var/run/docker.sock:... which points to the host system internal files
  • relative paths e.g. *./letsencrypt/certs:... which are a handy way of storing/sharing container files with the host system
  • volumes dirs influx-data:... these are used for ensuring data persistence ensured by the Docker

cert files

Don't worry that the cert file paths are invalid on the first run when there are no certificate files. As soon as Let's Encrypt certificate request will be fulfilled you will find appropriate certificates in the specified localizations.


This option passed to the letsencrypt container via environment variables allows you to reuse same keys after 90 days expiry time. That's the only way to avoid manual restart of the influx container after certificates renewal (because of certificate file changes).


That's all for now. I'd be happy to answer some questions. I hope to be able to explain everything about this or similar setup. For testing SSL configuration you may use (thanks to @Kjetil Mjøs who reminds me about this tool in one of his comments). The expected overall grade is A+.

Question: How to add another Grafana instance on separate (sub)domain?

It should be fairly easy, just point your new (sub)domain at your existing Docker host and add following "section" to the docker-compose.yml file:

#... existing docker-compose.yml content omitted for brevity
grafana2: # just for clarification: this is a service name
  image: grafana/grafana:5.0.0 # or probably any other version
  container_name: grafana2
  restart: always
    - VIRTUAL_HOST=ANOTHER.DOMAIN.TEST # adjust to match your domain name
    - VIRTUAL_PROTO=https
    - VIRTUAL_PORT=3000
    - LETSENCRYPT_HOST=ANOTHER.DOMAIN.TEST # adjust to match your domain name
    - [email protected] # adjust to match your email

    - GF_SERVER_CERT_FILE=/etc/letsencrypt/certs/ANOTHER.DOMAIN.TEST.crt # adjust to match your domain name
    - GF_SERVER_CERT_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/certs/ANOTHER.DOMAIN.TEST.key # adjust to match your domain name

    - GF_SERVER_DOMAIN=ANOTHER.DOMAIN.TEST # adjust to match your domain name
    - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER=SECURE_USERNAME # adjust to create Grafana admin account
    - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=SECURE_PASS # adjust to set Grafana admin password
    - ./letsencrypt/certs:/etc/letsencrypt/certs:ro

    - grafana2-data:/var/lib/grafana

Notable changes compared to direct "copy/paste" of existing grafana service:

  • please remember to change service name and container_name to make them different from existing ones (grafana2 in this example)
  • every YOUR.DOMAIN.TEST is replaced with ANOTHER.DOMAIN.TEST (it might be any domain name which is pointed at your host, not necessarily a subdomain with common root domain e.g. MYDOMAIN.TEST will work as well)
  • as you may noticed LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL doesn't require any changes as you may use one email for multiple domains
  • in volumes section please remember to change grafana-data to any other volume (grafana2-data in my example), in other case your Grafana instances will share files (you probably don't want that)

You should also add volume mapping for a new Grafana instance at the end of docker-compose.yml (which was modified before) in volumes section append:

#... existing docker-compose.yml content omitted for brevity
  #... existing volumes omitted for brevity
    driver: local

That's it. Now execute:

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose restart

Docker should now run two independent Grafana instances on different (sub)domains.